My mission is to ensure that as many women as possible not only realise but truly embody the knowing that you are enough, that life gets to be really, really good, and that your power lies not in what you do… but in who you BE.





My mission is to ensure that as many women as possible not only realise but truly embody the knowing that you are enough, that life gets to be really, really good, and that your power lies not in what you do… but in who you BE.

My Journey

My story starts with body dysmorphia, disordered eating/exercising habits and the normalised reality of constantly being at war with myself and my body.

I went from hating my body and being the insecure girl in the corner doubting herself, to adamantly throwing myself into the world of health & fitness in an attempt to make myself into someone who was confident, good enough and loved herself.

But whilst my body changed, my relationship with myself really only got worse.

The fitter and leaner I got, the more pressure and judgement I felt towards myself to reach and maintain perfection. And this sense of never being enough was a mirror for most areas of my life for years: my work, my relationship status (or lack thereof), my social media image etc…

And this was really where spirituality and self love entered my life.

Because I simply could not go on any longer feeling the way I felt about myself, and I had enough proof to see that trying to curate my life externally to be perfect did not bring me the happiness I was seeking.

Over time and with the help of investing in my personal growth...

My Journey

My story starts with body dysmorphia, disordered eating/exercising habits and the normalised reality of constantly being at war with myself and my body.

I went from hating my body and being the insecure girl in the corner doubting herself, to adamantly throwing myself into the world of health & fitness in an attempt to make myself into someone who was confident, good enough and loved herself.

But whilst my body changed, my relationship with myself really only got worse.

The fitter and leaner I got, the more pressure and judgement I felt towards myself to reach and maintain perfection. And this sense of never being enough was a mirror for most areas of my life for years: my work, my relationship status (or lack thereof), my social media image etc…

And this was really where spirituality and self love entered my life.

Because I simply could not go on any longer feeling the way I felt about myself, and I had enough proof to see that trying to curate my life externally to be perfect did not bring me the happiness I was seeking.

Over time and with the help of investing in my personal growth...

I realised that I was on a treadmill of trying to find validation and worthiness outside of myself...

And so began the era of uncovering why and healing the unprocessed trauma and life experiences that had led me to having such low self love.

I discovered manifestation and the power of your mindset, came off birth control and reconnected with my suppressed feminine energy, organically let go of restriction with my diet & exercise, and evolved so much from this internal healing that I discovered how passionate I was about this topic of self love and the role that we all play in our reality. So I continued learning, refining and got qualified, pivoted my online coaching business and again, I completely changed my life all over again.

It took me years to get there, but I finally manifested my dream life - I moved out of my hometown to the CBD of a city and lived with soul sisters, I built a business that provided a full time income and reached the pinnacle 6 figure mark whilst helping women and following my passions, I went a little viral online, I fell in love with my dream man and finally manifested love after being single my entire life… I was thriving, and I’d intentionally curated all of it.

I realised that I was on a treadmill of trying to find validation and worthiness outside of myself...

And so began the era of uncovering why and healing the unprocessed trauma and life experiences that had led me to having such low self love.

I discovered manifestation and the power of your mindset, came off birth control and reconnected with my suppressed feminine energy, organically let go of restriction with my diet & exercise, and evolved so much from this internal healing that I discovered how passionate I was about this topic of self love and the role that we all play in our reality. So I continued learning, refining and got qualified, pivoted my online coaching business and again, I completely changed my life all over again.

It took me years to get there, but I finally manifested my dream life - I moved out of my hometown to the CBD of a city and lived with soul sisters, I built a business that provided a full time income and reached the pinnacle 6 figure mark whilst helping women and following my passions, I went a little viral online, I fell in love with my dream man and finally manifested love after being single my entire life… I was thriving, and I’d intentionally curated all of it.

Until the cracks started showing, and I realised that I was in fact, still on the treadmill of chasing validation and enoughness in the form of more, more, more… chasing the next manifestation, next goal or next ‘level’. I’d curated a life that made my ego happy and feel good about itself.

That left my soul saying “yeah, but what about me?”

I lived in such a normalised state of internal pressure and perfection that even though I was living my ‘dream life’, I was still operating in survival mode. My confidence and happiness was very much dependent on both my external circumstances and my rigid personal growth lifestyle, needing a 4 hour morning routine to feel grounded and have a good day. I genuinely believed that waking up at 5am would make me more successful (*laugh cries*).

Until the cracks started showing, and I realised that I was in fact, still on the treadmill of chasing validation and enoughness in the form of more, more, more… chasing the next manifestation, next goal or next ‘level’. I’d curated a life that made my ego happy and feel good about itself.

That left my soul saying “yeah, but what about me?”

I lived in such a normalised state of internal pressure and perfection that even though I was living my ‘dream life’, I was still operating in survival mode. My confidence and happiness was very much dependent on both my external circumstances and my rigid personal growth lifestyle, needing a 4 hour morning routine to feel grounded and have a good day. I genuinely believed that waking up at 5am would make me more successful (*laugh cries*).

Until I learnt the greatest manifestation lesson to date, and watched my perfect life crumble seemingly overnight.

Friendships fell apart, business went backwards, I had to abruptly move, anxiety flared up, money played hard to get, health issues popped up left, right and centre… Why, you ask? Well it was like the Universe had finally had enough and said ‘no, I can’t allow you to keep going like this’. Where I had to face the reality that I had in fact manufactured the life I wanted, and that is not the truth of manifestation.

Cue the greatest death & rebirth of my life, where all that wasn’t truly aligned with my soul was stripped away and I found myself being initiated into a whole new way of manifesting and be-ing.

To sum up a year and a half period of transformation, this rebirth led me to living a reality that is unconventional, outside the matrix and so much better than I ever knew possible.

I live nomadically in SE Asia with my man, we lead a soul based empire together, and I have complete time and geographical freedom. I took 6 months offline, went on a validation diet and did the inner work to detach my worth from my external circumstances, to remember and reclaim my power.

It brought me home to who I am authentically and led me to the deepest embodied self love I’ve ever known, to an everyday peace and joy that is completely and utterly internally created. I got off the success treadmill, healed my nervous system, and shifted out of survival mode and back into creator mode. I'm no longer the perfectionist of my life, but rather the ALCHEMIST of my reality.

And that’s where I am now at the time of writing this, living a life better than what I used to dream of and think was possible (and helping other women create the same for themselves).

Until I learnt the greatest manifestation lesson to date, and watched my perfect life crumble seemingly overnight.

Friendships fell apart, business went backwards, I had to abruptly move, anxiety flared up, money played hard to get, health issues popped up left, right and centre… Why, you ask? Well it was like the Universe had finally had enough and said ‘no, I can’t allow you to keep going like this’. Where I had to face the reality that I had in fact manufactured the life I wanted, and that is not the truth of manifestation.

Cue the greatest death & rebirth of my life, where all that wasn’t truly aligned with my soul was stripped away and I found myself being initiated into a whole new way of manifesting and


To sum up a year and a half period of transformation, this rebirth led me to living a reality that is unconventional, outside the matrix and so much better than I ever knew possible.

I live nomadically in SE Asia with my man, we lead a soul based empire together, and I have complete time and geographical freedom. I took 6 months offline, went on a validation diet and did the inner work to detach my worth from my external circumstances, to remember and reclaim my power.

It brought me home to who I am authentically and led me to the deepest embodied self love I’ve ever known, to an everyday peace and joy that is completely and utterly internally created. I got off the success treadmill, healed my nervous system, and shifted out of survival mode and back into creator mode. I'm no longer the perfectionist of my life, but rather the ALCHEMIST of my reality.

And that’s where I am now at the time of writing this, living a life better than what I used to dream of and think was possible (and helping other women create the same for themselves).

No one teaches

manifestation &

feminine embodiment

the way I do.

No one teaches

manifestation &


the way I do.

The key to relaxed manifestation and transformation is working with the three main elements of the Self:

Somatic, Subconscious & Spiritual

aka body, mind and soul.

The key to relaxed manifestation and transformation is working with the three main elements of the Self:

Somatic, Subconscious & Spiritual

aka body, mind and soul.

As of 2024, I have been working with women globally for 4 years both online and in person, supporting them to create transformation in how they feel, who they BE, and the life they live.

I have served thousands of women through my social media content, podcast, courses, masterclasses and in person 1:1 or group retreats. I’ve helped clients heal from heartbreak, manifest their dream partner, quit unfulfilling jobs, start their own business and go all in on their passion, cultivate the courage to move countries and become nomadic, overcome decades long patterns of self sabotage, self judgement and not feeling good enough, heal from disordered eating habits, learn to love their bodies, live with less stress and learn how to somatically dissolve anxiety.

I utilise a number of modalities that I’ve trained in and put my own spin on, combining somatic therapy (body based therapy), shadow work, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), reiki energy healing, health and life coaching, and breathwork facilitation.

As of 2024, I have been working with women globally for 4 years both online and in person, supporting them to create transformation in how they feel, who they BE, and the life they live.

I have served thousands of women through my social media content, podcast, courses, masterclasses and in person 1:1 or group retreats. I’ve helped clients heal from heartbreak, manifest their dream partner, quit unfulfilling jobs, start their own business and go all in on their passion, cultivate the courage to move countries and become nomadic, overcome decades long patterns of self sabotage, self judgement and not feeling good enough, heal from disordered eating habits, learn to love their bodies, live with less stress and learn how to somatically dissolve anxiety.

I utilise a number of modalities that I’ve trained in and put my own spin on, combining somatic therapy (body based therapy), shadow work, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), reiki energy healing, health and life coaching, and breathwork facilitation.

A Few Facts About Me

✨ People often ask what my real name is, but Storm Jerney is actually my given birth name (first name and one of my middle names)!

✨ I live nomadically with my partner, travelling South-East Asia with a few suitcases and complete calendar freedom to be where we want to be and live how we want to live.

✨ I completed high school as Dux with the highest marks of my year, but even though I had an ATAR that could have gotten me into any University course in the country, I instead studyiedprivately and went all in on starting my own business. My intuition told me to do it my own way and so I did just that.

✨ I'm a 3/5 Projector in Human Design, meaning my purpose in this life is to be a guide for others (and that I need a nap daily, lol).

A Few Facts About Me

✨ People often ask what my real name is, but Storm Jerney is actually my given birth name (first and one of my middle names)!

✨ I live nomadically with my partner, travelling South-East Asia with a few suitcases and complete calendar freedom to be where we want to be and live how we want to live.

✨ I completed high school as Dux with the highest marks of my year, but even though I had an ATAR that could have gotten me into any University course in the country, I instead studyiedprivately and went all in on starting my own business. My intuition told me to do it my own way and so I did just that.

✨ I'm a 3/5 Projector in Human Design, meaning my purpose in this life is to be a guide for others (and that I need a nap daily, lol).