The School of Self Love & Feminine Embodiment

Become a woman deeply embodied in your own love, power and enough-ness.

Become the kind of woman who gets to have it all.

Forget chasing your dream life… It’s time to become the kind of woman who is so grounded in your worth and feminine power, that you naturally live a reality that is in fact, better than your mind even knew possible.


The School of Self Love & Feminine Embodiment

Become a woman deeply embodied in your own love, power and enough-ness.

Become the kind of woman who gets to have it all.

Forget chasing your dream life… It’s time to become the kind of woman who is so grounded in your worth and feminine power, that you naturally live a reality that is in fact,


than your mind even knew possible.

Are you ready to embody your innate feminine power?

Do you yearn to finally just BE the empowered, fulfilled woman you've spent so long wanting to be?

To stop dreaming, thinking about it or "working on it"... and actually just live the life you can't stop thinking about?

Embodied will take you there, teaching you to harness the unspoken intelligence of who you BE, so you can get off the treadmill of 'do-ing'.

Are you ready to embody your innate feminine power?

Do you yearn to start truly living your purpose? To stop dreaming, thinking about it or "working on it"... and actually just live the life you can't stop thinking about?

Embodied will take you there, teaching you to harness the unspoken intelligence of who you BE, so you can get off the treadmill of 'do-ing'.

Imagine a reality where you:

➰ Feel at home within your own body, where you live in tune with your feminine rhythm.

Trust yourself and always know the way, embodied in your intuition.

➰ Have the emotional intelligence to handle any and all emotions that arise, no longer caught on an emotional rollercoaster, you get to respond to life instead of reacting to it.

➰ Say goodbye to consistent anxiety and stress, as you're now grounded and regulated within yourself and have all the tools you need to navigate challenging moments as they come without losing your power to them.

Leverage your passion and soul-led gifts to leave your mark on this world and help people, where you're excited and inspired by the work that you do.

➰ Relax into the inner knowing you've cultivated that you are enough, that Life has your back, and the relaxed manifestation that's become your normal as a result.

➰ No longer ache to be chosen or loved, you are so embodied in your own authenticity and love and that is reflected back to you in the nourishing relationships you organically attract.

Embodied is a program for all parts of you. It will take you through a full metamorphosis, grounding you deeper into your own love, purpose and feminine power.

Embodied is the place you come when you’re ready to stop playing on the surface level of affirmations, habit tracking, manifestation techniques or limiting beliefs… and instead journey down deep into your body and heart, coming home to the kind of embodied self love and inner safety that ripples into every single area of your life for the better and feels a whole lot like freedom.

Women join Embodied when they're ready to get off the healing hamster wheel, to stop looking to the next thing, stop working towards their dream life or higher self, and finally just BE embodied in their enough-ness here and now.

Imagine a reality where you:

➰ Feel at home within your own body, where you live in tune with your feminine rhythm.

Trust yourself and always know the way, embodied in your intuition.

➰ Have the emotional intelligence to handle any and all emotions that arise, no longer caught on an emotional rollercoaster, you get to respond to life instead of reacting to it.

➰ Say goodbye to consistent anxiety and stress, as you're now grounded and regulated within yourself and have all the tools you need to navigate challenging moments as they come without losing your power to them.

Leverage your passion and soul-led gifts to leave your mark on this world and help people, where you're excited and inspired by the work that you do.

➰ Relax into the inner knowing you've cultivated that you are enough, that Life has your back, and the relaxed manifestation that's become your normal as a result.

➰ No longer ache to be chosen or loved, you are so embodied in your own authenticity and love and that is reflected back to you in the nourishing relationships you organically attract.

Embodied is a program for all parts of you. It will take you through a full metamorphosis, grounding you deeper into your own love, purpose and feminine power.

Embodied is the place you come when you’re ready to stop playing on the surface level of affirmations, habit tracking, manifestation techniques or limiting beliefs… and instead journey down deep into your body and heart, coming home to the kind of embodied self love and inner safety that ripples into every single area of your life for the better and feels a whole lot like freedom.

Women join Embodied when they're ready to get off the healing hamster wheel, to stop looking to the next thing, stop working towards their dream life or higher self, and finally just BE embodied in their enough-ness here and now.

Does This Sound Like You?

You desire a life free from self-sabotage: You keep getting in your own way and struggle to strengthen your self-belief, but you are so ready to stop creating problems, to make life easier and see how good things get to consistently be.

You crave emotional balance: You aim to master your emotions and reactions, handling triggers with grace and responding from a place of strength and clarity.

You wish to attract success effortlessly: You want to stop chasing after money, love, or success and instead attract it naturally by expanding your capacity for abundance and well-being.

You dream of fully living your purpose: You’re eager to commit to your dream career, business, or creative project without letting self-doubt and distractions derail you.

You feel yourself moving through a metamorphosis of sorts: Doing things and showing up the way you have been isn't fulfilling you or feeling aligned anymore. You're so damn ready to REBIRTH yourself and how you life.

You yearn to feel at home within your own body and skin: You've struggled with overthinking, getting stuck in your mind, judging yourself (or feeling like other people are judging you) and sacrificing your relationship to your body for the sake of achieving success, trying to reach the point of feeling "enough" within yourself or pleasing others.

➰ You desire to express yourself authentically: You want to feel at ease in social settings, to easily be true to yourself, express without overthinking or filtering yourself, and form genuine, soul-led relationships.

➰ You feel the call to reclaim and unleash your feminine: You can see how your masculine & feminine energies have been imbalanced, and you're ready to embrace pleasure, sensuality, and flow in your everyday life.

Does This Sound Like You?

You desire a life free from self-sabotage: You keep getting in your own way and struggle to strengthen your self-belief, but you are so ready to stop creating problems, to make life easier and see how good things get to consistently be.

You crave emotional balance: You aim to master your emotions and reactions, handling triggers with grace and responding from a place of strength and clarity.

You wish to attract success effortlessly: You want to stop chasing after money, love, or success and instead attract it naturally by expanding your capacity for abundance and well-being.

You dream of fully living your purpose: You’re eager to commit to your dream career, business, or creative project without letting self-doubt and distractions derail you.

You feel yourself moving through a metamorphosis of sorts: Doing things and showing up the way you have been isn't fulfilling you or feeling aligned anymore. You're so damn ready to REBIRTH yourself and how you life.

You yearn to feel at home within your own body and skin: You've struggled with overthinking, getting stuck in your mind, judging yourself (or feeling like other people are judging you) and sacrificing your relationship to your body for the sake of achieving success, trying to reach the point of feeling "enough" within yourself or pleasing others.

➰ You desire to express yourself authentically: You want to feel at ease in social settings, to easily be true to yourself, express without overthinking or filtering yourself, and form genuine, soul-led relationships.

➰ You feel the call to reclaim and unleash your feminine: You can see how your masculine & feminine energies have been imbalanced, and you're ready to embrace pleasure, sensuality, and flow in your everyday life.

Get in babe, we're a movement of women embodying our innate power & seeing how good life gets to be.

There is an incredible rebirth that happens when a woman decides to stop trying to be the perfectionist of her life and instead be the alchemist of her reality, using it ALL as fuel for her growth & evolution.

There is an incredible rebirth that happens when a woman decides to stop trying to be the perfectionist of her life and instead be the alchemist of her reality, using it ALL as fuel for her growth & evolution.

You'll Move Through The Embodied Process


Root Chakra

You'll begin by auditing your foundations, understanding the role that your nervous system plays in every facet of your life, connecting deeper to your body and strengthening your internal safety. This is the foundation that everything is built upon.

Example modules:

➰ Understanding Your Nervous System.
➰ Modern Day Survival Mode.
➰ Creating Safety With Money.
➰ Dissolving Attachments That Aren't Serving You.
➰ Nourishing & Loving Your Body.


Sacral Chakra

Once you've cleared away what's no longer serving you and learnt to close survival mode loops, it's time to move into balancing your masculine & feminine energies, honouring your cyclical nature and expanding your bodies capacity for pleasure.

Example modules:

➰ Deepening Into Your Divine Feminine.
➰ Working With Your Feminine Cycle.
➰ Relaxed Receivership & Magnetism.
➰ Your Relationship To Masculine Energy.
➰ Pleasure In The Bedroom.


Solar Plexus Chakra

After learning how to embody creator mode and move from pleasure instead of pressure, it's now time to light the fire in your belly, strengthen your non-circumstantial power, audacity and confidence.

Example modules:

➰ How To Embody Non-Circumstantial Power.
➰ People Pleasing & Perfectionism Are Trauma Responses.
➰ Your Relationship To Failure.
➰ Gut Health & Digestion.
➰ Money & Power.


Heart Chakra

After our focus of accessing your innate power and leading yourself with confidence, regardless of what's happening around you or how you feel - we move into the heart to strengthen your emotional intelligence, crack your heart open and let in the love & connection you're desiring.

Example modules:

➰ The Part Of You That Doesn't Feel "Enough".
➰ How To Strengthen Your Emotional Intelligence.
➰ Healing From Past Betrayal, Hurt or Loss.
➰ HEART Led Leadership.
➰ If You're Calling Love Into Your Life.


Throat Chakra

After cracking open your heart to life, others and yourself -we move into unleashing your authenticity, feeling safe to speak your truth and express yourself unfiltered and real.

Example modules:

➰ Healing The Wound Of Not Being Heard.
➰ Using Your Voice To Share Your Souls Message.
➰ Navigating Judgement & Projections.
➰ Manifestation vs Conscious Creation.
➰ Authenticity Audit.


Third Eye Chakra

It's now time to tune into strengthening your self-trust, listening to and leading with your intuition. This portal is revolutionary for coming home to your own inner wisdom and saying yes to life, with your unique purpose and fulfillment front of mind.

Example modules:

➰ Embodied Intuition & Self Trust.
➰ Discerning Between Ego & Intuition.
➰ When Your Intuition Leads You To "Failure".
➰ Zoom Out & See The Bigger Picture.
➰ Your Intuition Is God/The Universe/Source Speaking THROUGH You.


Crown Chakra

After completely rebirthing how you feel within your body, how you live and who you BE - we close out by bringing it all together and apply it to your unique purpose in this lifetime. An embodied woman is a woman who knows that who you BE carries far more intelligence and impact than what you 'do'. We journey with relaxed manifestation and embodied surrender, cultivating your fulfillment in the journey as you live your purpose, here and now.

Example modules:

➰ The Art Of Embodied Surrender.
➰ Being Embodied In Your Purpose.
➰ Knowing It's Working, Allowing It To Unfold.
➰ Source Is THE Source Of Money.
➰ Blindspot Check: Where Are You Making It About You?

You'll Move Through The Embodied Process


Root Chakra

You'll begin by auditing your foundations, understanding the role that your nervous system plays in every facet of your life, connecting deeper to your body and strengthening your internal safety. This is the foundation that everything is built upon.

Example modules:

➰ Understanding Your Nervous System.
➰ Modern Day Survival Mode.
➰ Creating Safety With Money.
➰ Dissolving Attachments That Aren't Serving You.
➰ Nourishing & Loving Your Body.


Sacral Chakra

Once you've cleared away what's no longer serving you and learnt to close survival mode loops, it's time to move into balancing your masculine & feminine energies, honouring your cyclical nature and expanding your bodies capacity for pleasure.

Example modules:

➰ Deepening Into Your Divine Feminine.
➰ Working With Your Feminine Cycle.
➰ Relaxed Receivership & Magnetism.
➰ Your Relationship To Masculine Energy.
➰ Pleasure In The Bedroom.


Solar Plexus Chakra

After learning how to embody creator mode and move from pleasure instead of pressure, it's now time to light the fire in your belly, strengthen your non-circumstantial power, audacity and confidence.

Example modules:

➰ How To Embody Non-Circumstantial Power.
➰ People Pleasing & Perfectionism Are Trauma Responses.
➰ Your Relationship To Failure.
➰ Gut Health & Digestion.
➰ Money & Power.


Heart Chakra

After our focus of accessing your innate power and leading yourself with confidence, regardless of what's happening around you or how you feel - we move into the heart to strengthen your emotional intelligence, crack your heart open and let in the love & connection you're desiring.

Example modules:

➰ The Part Of You That Doesn't Feel "Enough".
➰ How To Strengthen Your Emotional Intelligence.
➰ Healing From Past Betrayal, Hurt or Loss.
➰ HEART Led Leadership.
➰ If You're Calling Love Into Your Life.


Throat Chakra

After cracking open your heart to life, others and yourself -we move into unleashing your authenticity, feeling safe to speak your truth and express yourself unfiltered and real.

Example modules:

➰ Healing The Wound Of Not Being Heard.
➰ Using Your Voice To Share Your Souls Message.
➰ Navigating Judgement & Projections.
➰ Manifestation vs Conscious Creation.
➰ Authenticity Audit.


Third Eye Chakra

It's now time to tune into strengthening your self-trust, listening to and leading with your intuition. This portal is revolutionary for coming home to your own inner wisdom and saying yes to life, with your unique purpose and fulfillment front of mind.

Example modules:

➰ Embodied Intuition & Self Trust.
➰ Discerning Between Ego & Intuition.
➰ When Your Intuition Leads You To "Failure".
➰ Zoom Out & See The Bigger Picture.
➰ Your Intuition Is God/The Universe/Source Speaking THROUGH You.


Crown Chakra

After completely rebirthing how you feel within your body, how you live and who you BE - we close out by bringing it all together and apply it to your unique purpose in this lifetime. An embodied woman is a woman who knows that who you BE carries far more intelligence and impact than what you 'do'. We journey with relaxed manifestation and embodied surrender, cultivating your fulfillment in the journey as you live your purpose, here and now.

Example modules:

➰ The Art Of Embodied Surrender.
➰ Being Embodied In Your Purpose.
➰ Knowing It's Working, Allowing It To Unfold.
➰ Source Is THE Source Of Money.
➰ Blindspot Check: Where Are You Making It About You?

What's Included Inside Embodied

Lifetime Access to the Embodied Hub

➰ Claim your seat for one of the live Embodied intakes, journeying in sisterhood through the program over 14 weeks.

➰ Lifetime access to the forever evolving core program and all upgrades or additions.

➰ The private Embodied community and movement.

➰ Private group chat with your intake sisters.

➰ Over 100 self paced lessons for you to explore at your own pace.

➰Bonuses from special guest facilitators, including a hormone balancing masterclass, sacred sexuality and wealth workshop, mama embodiment practice, human design training and more...

What's Included Inside Embodied

Lifetime Access to the Embodied Hub

➰ Claim your seat for one of the live Embodied intakes, journeying in sisterhood through the program over 14 weeks.

➰ Lifetime access to the forever evolving core program and all upgrades or additions.

➰ The private Embodied community and movement.

➰ Private group chat with your intake sisters.

➰ Over 100 self paced lessons for you to explore at your own pace.

➰Bonuses from special guest facilitators, including a hormone balancing masterclass, sacred sexuality and wealth workshop, mama embodiment practice, human design training and more...

What's Life Like As An Embodied Woman?

As an embodied woman you are deeply in tune with your emotions, intuition and your bodies sensations.

You move through life with a strong connection to your body, embracing your pleasure, setting clear boundaries, and living authentically in alignment with your purpose.

You radiate confidence, inner peace, and a sense of empowerment, grounded in your unique essence and unapologetically herself.

You're no longer interested in the treadmill of perfection, external validation or fitting in.

You are the alchemist of your life, in tune with both your light and your shadows, with self love as your foundation and the internal freedom to embody your divine feminine.

What's Life Like As An Embodied Woman?

As an embodied woman you are deeply in tune with your emotions, intuition and your bodies sensations.

You move through life with a strong connection to your body, embracing your pleasure, setting clear boundaries, and living authentically in alignment with your purpose.

You radiate confidence, inner peace, and a sense of empowerment, grounded in your unique essence and unapologetically herself.

You're no longer interested in the treadmill of perfection, external validation or fitting in.

You are the alchemist of your life, in tune with both your light and your shadows, with self love as your foundation and the internal freedom to embody your divine feminine.

What Other Women Say About EMBODIED

"The Embodied course has been one of the best investments I've made to date...

This course is different to others... it's allowed me to become embodied in my practices and implement them into my everyday life".

"Embodied is self devotion, and it is self love, and it is so much more than that. What I didn't fully expect to get out of Embodied was the love and connection from other women here".

"How do I even begin to explain what Embodied has done for me? It really just, brought me back home to myself".

"Embodied has meant... being able to cultivate and create a new sense of safety and inner nourishment and feeling at peace after years of consistent anxiety and anguish, and just not feeling at home in my body."

"I could not recommend Embodied enough. It is something that I truly think every single woman on this earth would truly benefit from"

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of Embodied?

Embodied hub + live 14 week program + 1:1 coaching with Stormy is $3600 AUD.

Embodied hub + live 14 week program is $2250 AUD.

Instead of offering Embodied for a subscription model where you no longer receive the content when you eventually stop paying, we want you to have access to this program for lifetime for a clear, set price.

There are multiple options for payment flexibility, including shattering it up on a payment plan or receiving a sister deal if you have a friend already inside the program or wanting to join alongside you.

Alternatively, we do consider scholarships. We've never turned away the right woman for this program due to finances.
If you want inside Embodied and can clearly articulate your commitment, we will make it work for you.

When does Embodied start?

As soon as you purchase, your Embodied experience begins!

You will receive immediate access to the core Embodied program to move through at your own pace. Alongside the program hub, we run multiple live intakes throughout a year, which is your chance to join a live 3.5 month journey alongside other Embodied sisters. These live rounds see new and returning women gather in sisterhood for fortnightly calls moving through the 7 main portals, Q+A's, bonus calls, and your private group chat.

The next live intake is mid-late September 2024, exact start date TBC.

How do I start?

Upon a successful discovery call (book in below), your onboarding begins with a warm welcome into the private Embodied community where you can meet the other Embodied sisters, get settled into this journey you're embarking upon, and then ease your way into the program through the designated pre-work. You can then begin making your way through the Embodied program content at your own pace, ask questions inside the community and connect with the other women alongside you.
You will then be invited to join the next live enrolment, including fortnightly calls with Stormy and a private group chat.

What Other Women Say About EMBODIED

"The Embodied course has been one of the best investments I've made to date...

This course is different to others... it's allowed me to become embodied in my practices and implement them into my everyday life".

"Embodied is self devotion, and it is self love, and it is so much more than that. What I didn't fully expect to get out of Embodied was the love and connection from other women here".

"How do I even begin to explain what Embodied has done for me? It really just, brought me back home to myself".

"I could not recommend Embodied enough. It is something that I truly think every single woman on this earth would truly benefit from"

"Embodied has meant... being able to cultivate and create a new sense of safety and inner nourishment and feeling at peace after years of consistent anxiety and anguish, and just not feeling at home in my body."

Client Love

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of Embodied?

Embodied hub + live 14 week program + 1:1 coaching with Stormy is $3600 AUD.

Embodied hub + live 14 week program is $2250 AUD.

Instead of offering Embodied for a subscription model where you no longer receive the content when you eventually stop paying, we want you to have access to this program for lifetime for a clear, set price.

There are multiple options for payment flexibility, including shattering it up on a payment plan or receiving a sister deal if you have a friend already inside the program or wanting to join alongside you.

Alternatively, we do consider scholarships. We've never turned away the right woman for this program due to finances.
If you want inside Embodied and can articulate your commitment, we will make it work for you.

When does Embodied start?

As soon as you purchase, your Embodied experience begins!

You will receive immediate access to the core Embodied program to move through at your own pace. Alongside the program hub, we run multiple live intakes throughout a year, which is your chance to join a live 3.5 month journey alongside other Embodied sisters. These live rounds see new and returning women gather in sisterhood for fortnightly calls moving through the 7 main portals, Q+A's, bonus calls, and your private group chat.

The next live intake is mid-late September 2024, exact start date TBC.

How do I start?

Upon a successful discovery call (book in below), your onboarding begins with a warm welcome into the private Embodied community where you can meet the other Embodied sisters, get settled into this journey you're embarking upon, and then ease your way into the program through the designated pre-work. You can then begin making your way through the Embodied program content at your own pace, ask questions inside the community and connect with the other women alongside you.
You will then be invited to join the next live enrolment, including fortnightly calls with Stormy and a private group chat.